Book: The Long Haul

My book, The Long Haul tells the story of millions living with the long term after effects of Covid-19, chronicling how long haulers are changing the health system forever. I’m thrilled to be able to apply everything I’ve learned as a patient, advocate, and storyteller into this story of tragedy, innovation, and ultimate hope.

The book, originally published in hardcover by Post Hill Press, will be re-published in paperback by MIT Press and distributed by Penguin Random House. The new edition will be available everywhere books are sold on March 5, 2024.

Praise for The Long Haul

“In this gripping, compassionate, and deeply reported narrative, Ryan Prior tells the story of Long Covid as it should be told, centering the experiences of people who predicted the condition, endured it, named it, and researched it. Long-haulers are the heroes of their own story, and this important book beautifully captures their struggle and their courage.”

— Ed Yong, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist for The Atlantic

“This is a timely and important contribution to our understanding of Long Covid, which has affected tens of millions of people around the world and will impact health systems for years to come.”

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization

“I’ve had low level nerve tingling symptoms ever since I got Covid in March 2020. I started to talk about it when I heard repeated stories of others whose more serious symptoms were being dismissed and doubted. Ryan Prior brings these stories to light, shows how patients’ advocacy pushed research into causes and cures, and illuminates how many questions we still need to answer. A book we need right now.”

— US Senator Tim Kaine

“Ryan Prior brings out the heart of the story simply because he puts his whole self into telling it empathetically and with utmost compassion. Matched with his passion for curiosity, it makes for a story not only worth telling, but worth reading with insatiable interest.”

— Stephanie Land, New York Times bestselling author of book and Netflix series Maid